Mock tribunal highlights unsafe abortion in Kenya
Iraq war contributing to higher abortion rate
Because of the war, many women in Iraq have been displaced from their homes, lack proper health care, and struggle to provide for their children. As a result, according to a report from the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, they are increasingly seeking illegal abortions, which are often unsafe.
Egypt bans female genital cutting
Indian city offers condoms in pornographic film theaters
The Vatican calls for ending support of Amnesty International
The Vatican has called for withholding donations to Amnesty International because of its mention of abortion in its new sexual and reproductive rights policy. Previously, the policy did not include a position on abortion. The Catholic Church rejects Amnesty International’s statement that its policy is intended to mitigate the effect of human rights violations such as rape and incest, rather than to promote a specific moral or religious doctrine.
If you are interested in reading the letter that Amnesty International wrote to the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, you can do so here. It's a good read that instills a bit of hope into you. Here is an excerpt:
"AI's global Campaign to Stop Violence Against Women provides the context
for this particular aspect of our broader policy on sexual and reproductive
rights. Through this work we seek to end the widespread and terrible injustices
of violence against women, which can lead to unwanted pregnancies.
We would be grateful for the church's support in this vital work to end
violence against women but we understand that on some aspects of our work we
may, as good friends often do, agree to disagree. Nevertheless, because we share
many more human rights concerns of far reaching significance, Amnesty
International remains hopeful that our longstanding partnership, despite our
differences on some issues, can continue in the spirit of tolerance and
Indonesian president calls for revitalization of family planning programs
British doctors vote to ease access to abortion
italics indicate my emphasis
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