Monday, February 9, 2009

Condom Week Trivia

This coming Valentines Day is the 31st anniversary of National Condom Week. To celebrate and promote condom usage to prevent HIV, STI's and uninintended pregnancy, Oklahoma Voice of Reason created a fact sheet of questions and answers for you to absorb:

1. What year can the first condom be traced to?

1850 BC (Better check the expiration date on your supply!)

2. In what flavors can you buy condoms and lubricants?

Mint, strawberry, grape, banana, chocolate, orange, cola, raspberry,
and vanilla, to name a few. Mmmm, mmmm, good!

3. What are the most common reasons condoms “break”?

Condoms rarely break—less than 2% do. When they do, it’s because
an oil based lubricant was used; the condom was old/past the
expiration date; it was exposed to high or low temperatures; it was re-
used; it was ripped while opening the condom package; it was
unrolled before it was put on. “Use As Directed!”

4. Condoms can be made of what three materials?

Latex (rubber), polyurethane (plastic), or animal tissue (natural or
lambskin). Your best bet is to use latex or polyurethane, which can
reduce your risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection.

5. Who was the first to write that condoms could prevent “venereal disease”?

Fallopius, an Italian doctor, in 1564. (A woman’s fallopian tubes
were also named after him!)

Want more condom trivia? Check back later this week for new questions and answers!


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