Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sacred Institutions

While all has been deafeningly quiet on the anti-choice front, state rep. Sally Kern has introduced a bill trying to put restrictions on yet another of the worlds not so fun realities; divorce. If HB 2279 goes into affect in November, divorces will not be granted on the grounds of incompatibility if there are children present in the marriage, the couple has been together for more than ten years, or one of the parties objects to the divorce.

Which, in a nutshell, means this:

1. The kids will just have to suffer through it until  their parent's fighting escalates into one of the other categories.

2. A couple who has been together for ten years is incapable of rationally realizing when it just won't work anymore.

3. One half of the couple will just have to be miserable until they decide to jump into one of the other categories.

Evidently being a state representative automatically makes you a trained marriage counselor. Who knew?


Anonymous said...


My name is Rusty Surette and I'm a reporter at News 9. I'm looking to contact someone to help me out with a feature story I'm working on.

I would like to chat with a pro-choice supporter. Can you help me out?

Rusty Surette
405.841.9917 said...

Hello! I really appreciate your blog- thank you for being so proactive.

I'd like to inform you of a protest that will be taking place at the Tulsa March for Life on Jan. 22nd. If you could please post something about this on your blog I would greatly appreciate it!

We will be gathering at their rally point, Chapman Centennial Green. The directions and their march route are on their website.

You can give this email address as contact information:

Thank you again for what you do, and together we can end abstinence only education and abortion stigma in Oklahoma!

There is power in your voice. Use it!