Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Free Birth Control for Pigeons

I read this story over at the BBC.
"Birth control is to be used on pigeons in California in an effort to combat the
"unmanageable" mess their increasing numbers are causing. OvoControl P,
which interferes with egg development, will be put in bird food in new rooftop
feeders in Hollywood. The pilot program is expected to show results within a
year. "

While I am not opposed to the program because I think it is a very humane way to deal with an overpopulation problem in pigeons (and whatever animal rights views you hold is irrelevant), I do get frustrated at the following:

College students are now paying an arm and a leg for contraception.

Many women do not have adequate contraceptive coverage on health their insurance plans

Pharmacists feel the need to refuse birth control and lecture women on their reproductive choices.

Rape victims still are not guaranteed an opportunity to have access and information about emergency contraceptive in Emergency Rooms.

Just a little bit of food for thought here...

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